Posted by: tutu cat | March 28, 2012

I’d rather eat Randy!

So, I thought I’d try to revitalize this blog. I can’t think of anything particularly witty to say, so let me tell you what’s going on today. 


Charles and I just had a dance party to “Eat Randy,” the new video from Julian Smith. If you don’t know who Julian Smith is, look for him on Youtube. He’s the mastermind behind “Hot Koolaid” and (my personal favorite) “I’m Reading a Book.” We have dance parties in lieu of actual exercise, because we are fat and get out of breath really quickly. So we put on a youtube video and dance for the duration of it. 


I’m also in the process of doing strength exercises every other day, and I go walking with my lovely momma on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in an effort to stop the fatness. 


I did not, in fact, eat Randy today. I ate baked penne with sun-dried tomatoes and spinach, except I didn’t read the recipe all the way through (for shame!) and ended up not layering cheese and pasta. So we had penne with very thin tomato sauce and a couple of slimy bits of spinach, topped with the deliciousness of browned mozzarella. C’est la vie.


  1. I ate randy and everything else under the sun yesterday. c’est la vie indeed.

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